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Over a decade of winning strategies in government on technology, communications, competition, & conservancy policy.

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KRF Strategies has over eleven years of experience coordinating efforts on technology and telecommunication issues at the highest levels of government. Issues of focus run the gamut from high-profile issues like AI, net neutrality, video competition, and platform content; the more technical, such as AI, spectrum management, and intellectual property; and fundamentals like broadband deployment and free speech. In addition, KRF Strategies works on policies that promote sustainable technologies, mitigate climate change, and champion ocean conservancy, both through our work with agencies and through Kate's role as a PADI-certified SCUBA Instructor, an ambassador for PADI Project Aware and member of Green Fins.


KRF Strategies has long-established relationships with players in the tech and media marketplace, including industry stakeholders, public interest and civil groups, and staffers in lawmakers’ offices on Capitol Hill. We can assist in identifying the best policy makers for your organization’s priorities to advocate with, reaching out on your behalf or connecting you directly with the right people to advance your goals. Having worked both in Congress and advocating before Congress, we know the best tactics to get your voice heard above the Washington noise.



KRF Strategies is located in the heart of Washington DC where the news and politics never stop. We’ll keep you tuned in to developments on moving legislation, nominations, agency rulemakings, industry, K Street intelligence, and any other moving targets of interest to your organization.



Our extensive background in public policy meant coordinating groups both within and outside of Washington to advance initiatives on complex issues. We can identify the right partners for you for a given issue of interest for any number of projects. Whether its an amicus brief you seek to partner, a letter to lawmakers, or grassroots mobilization nationwide, our connections with the networks that make democracy run will ensure you have the power in numbers you need.



Our communications background spans legal filings, op-eds, campaign strategy, blog posts, panel appearances, advocacy materials, and radio and print interviews. We are happy to assist in drafting any desired materials for your organization, or write on your behalf - whatever suits your needs best.

KRF Strategies LLC is a firm whose goal is to assist companies and consumer interest groups in advocating for their interests, both In Washington D.C. - in Congress and the administration - and on the state and local levels. While our immediate focus has traditionally been on technology, communications, and competition policy, these issues increasingly intersect with other industries. In recent years, our focus has expanded to include sustainable solutions, oceans conservancy, and climate change policy. We welcome the opportunity to work with you on any needs that may further your organization's goals.

About KRF Strategies

Who We Are
Our Solutons

About Kate

Kate Forscey is the Principal and Founder of KRF Strategies LLC, as well as a contributing fellow with the Digital Progress Institute, a bipartisan group dedicated to bridging the digital divide. She started KRF Strategies in 2019, after serving as the Senior Technology Policy Advisor for Congresswoman Anna G. Eshoo (D-CA-18). Before that, Kate was Policy Counsel at Public Knowledge, a DC-based digital consumer rights advocacy organization. Prior to PK, Kate spent several summers as an associate at several Washington-based firms before choosing technology advocacy as her passion. Her goal is to use her experience to help others advocate for their causes in Washington in the most effective ways possible, tailored to their needs.


Kate graduated with a B.A. from University of Virginia and a J.D. from Vanderbilt University Law School. She is also a PADI certified Open Water Scuba Instructor and a member of PADI Aware, the PADI non-profit dedicated to ocean conservancy, and Green Fins, among her other dive instructor specialties. In addition to diving, Kate enjoys art, piano, and the great outdoors.


Contact Us

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1330 New Hampshire Ave, NW Suite 603

© 2020 All rights reserved KRF Strategies LLC

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